The New Chicks

 The new chicks. Some still need names.

D’Uccle Bantam Cockerel hatched 1/20/22 DNA tested for gender
Current Weight .20 ounce

Copper Blue Maran Pullet hatched 2/2/2022 Sexed by breeder
Current Weight .15 ounce

Black Australorp Pullet hatched 2/2/2022 Sexed by breeder
Current Weight .20 ounce

Blue Copper Maran Pullet hatched 2/2/2022 Sexed by breeder
Current Weight .20 ounce

Rhode Island Red Pullet hatched 2/2/2022 Sexed by breeder
 Aveline de Forz
Current Weight .20 ounce

Rhode Island Red Pullet hatched 2/2/2022 Sexed by breeder
Blance de Artois
Current Weight .20 ounce

Barred Rock Pullet 2/2/2022 Sexed by breeder
Current Weight .20 ounce


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