

I started this blog to share ideas to help folks be a bit more self sufficient or explore bits of historic recipes or how our collective nations populations survived food shortages because of war. Sadly it is daily more relevant to real living now. 

It is easy to think a conflict far away will not effect you, but they do and can. The current invasion of the Ukraine will have immediate and dreadful impacts on people’s lives in that region. A refugee crisis is unfolding as I write this. Innocent good people who never did a wrong thing in their lives will die. People who never dreamed of harming anyone Ukrainian or Russian will now have too. Trade, food supplies, the ability to produce food (farming disrupted), power needs for heat and cooking, clothing and shelter shortages, medical care shortage and transportation chain disruptions will all happen. The people of the Ukraine will need help. Other Governments will be forced to make decisions… and war unfolds.

More than likely here in the USA prices will rise. As the conflict unfolds only time will tell us how bad it shall be for the world, including us. War has a nasty way of reaching out and touching many far removed from each other. Take stock of what you can do to prepare for continuing disruptions here. Pray. 

This means you need to figure out food plants to grow inside your house, on your porch, in your yard. Pick animals you can have as pets but also eat… quail are quiet but give eggs and meat for instance and rabbits for example. 

Pray for peace, but do not expect it from those who covet their neighbours property. 



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