World War I Rationing By The Day

My previous blog was on World War II rationing but World War I also had rationing....

From “Win The War” Cook Book pages 14 and 15 the USA Food Administration laid down several dietary plan goals to help ration civilian diets and increase export of food for the War. I think looking at these guidelines might be interesting in meal planning.

Wheatless Wednesday
ONE WHEATLESS day each week and one WHEATLESS meal everyday; the wheatless day to be Wednesday. By wheatless  we mean no wheat products.

Meatless Tuesday
ONE MEATLESS day each week shall be Tuesday, and one MEATLESS MEAL each day. By meatlesss we mean to eat no red meat — beef, pork, mutton, veal, lamb; no preserved meat — beef, bacon, ham or lard.

You can materially reduce sugar by reducing the use of candy and sweet drinks.  We will make every endeavor to see that the country is provided with a supply of household sugar On the basis of three pounds per person. Do not consume more.

U.S. Food Administration

Calendar Of Patriotic Service

SUNDAY— One wheatless meal, one meatless meal.
MONDAY—Wheatless day, one meatless meal.
TUESDAY—Meatless day, porkless day, one wheatless meal.
WEDNESDAY—Wheatless day, one meatless meal.
THURSDAY—One wheatless meal, one meatless meal.
FRIDAY—One wheatless meal, one meatless meal.
SATURDAY— Porkless day, one wheatless meal, one meatless meal.

EVERY DAY — Save wheat, meat, fats, sugar to create provisions for our armies and allies.


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