Ingredients: Ersatz Eggs

Ersatz Eggs

Powdered Eggs also called Dried Eggs or Dehydrated Eggs became known as Ersatz Eggs in World War II Great Britain. They appear as early as 1912 in camping cooking but the modern method of making powdered eggs was developed by Albert Grant and Co. of the Mile End Road, London in the 1930s using a freeze-drying spray method.  Powdered eggs became a much used ration in WWII Great Britain. Today several versions of powdered eggs are available, whole egg which is what was used in WWII, egg white, and a scrambled egg mixture that includes milk and other ingredients. I suggest using the whole egg if attempting to follow a historic recipe that calls for dried egg before branching off into other options. Modern food options has also created No Egg Egg Replacer and Ener-G Egg Replacer substitute products for Vegan baking, in addition there are some other Vegan cooking hacks to work around a lack of eggs I will explore in another post as they are useful if eggs are unavailable.

Powdered Eggs have a shelf life of five to ten years when stored without oxygen in a cool storage environment. The advantages of dried eggs they take up less space, can be stored without refrigeration, they can be used without rehydration in baking, and can be rehydrated to make egg based dishes. In addition the cholesterol in the eggs oxidizes because of the drying and animal studies indicate this may reduce aortic atherosclerosis.

One tablespoon of whole powdered egg and three tablespoons of water is equal to one whole large fresh egg. The calorie count is about 30 versus about 50 calories in a whole fresh egg. There is 2.3 grams of protein in one tablespoon of powdered eggs and 6 grams in a fresh egg. A one tablespoon serving of powdered eggs contains 2 grams of fat while a fresh egg contains 5 grams of fat. Vitamin A in a one tablespoon serving is about 5 % of your daily recommended allowance (important for your immune function, bone growth, night vision, and cell division). They are also a good source of choline (important to reducing inflammation associated with a variety of diseases and is a vital nutrient for healthy fetal development).

Besides dried whole eggs, dried egg whites are available which lowers the fat content as well as containing fewer calories. In addition to buying powdered eggs you can make your own.

Over the years eggs have been vilified in modern diets. A new study out of China however indicates an egg a day actually has positive health effects naturally this is being debated. Despite the conflicting opinions on eggs they have always been an excellent source of protein. If you raise your own chickens for eggs you can put scientific studies on feed and how they effect the resulting eggs from hens to work. The studies I have seen clearly indicate what you feed the hens affects the egg's nutritional value. There are several methods for making your own powdered eggs which we will explore when preserving eggs. Eggs like many food items would have times of being available while being rare at other times in the year. One reason for this is very few chickens lay year round and those that do are often placed under artificial light to force the laying.

What does "Ersatz" mean?

Ersatz 1875 German word derived from ersetzen which means to replace, originally meant in German "units of the army reserve" literally meaning "replacement, substitute, compensation". In English it can be a noun or an adjective. As a noun it means an artificial substance or article used to replace something natural or genuine; a substitute. As an adjective it means serving as a substitute; synthetic; artificial.  In general the word Ersatz is often used to mean it is an inferior replacement to that which it replaces or simply fake.


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