
 Welcome to The War Kitchen.

Every Kitchen needs food.

During World Wars food was rationed, even countries that were neutral had ration systems in place as trade was disrupted. Most young people alive today that I have met are ignorant on the subject of rationing. The children  of today are simply not being taught how devastating or disruptive a Worldwide conflict is. The rationing systems and what was rationed naturally varied between countries and went through changes in the course of the conflicts. Such systems were deemed necessary to insure resources such as food, fuel, metals, rubber and other items were available and used appropriately.

Many governments in conflict also encouraged a grow your own or make your own approach for households across their countries. Developing and encouraging self reliance was also a way to ensure more supplies could go towards the War Effort while the public still had food or other items. Thus gardening, sowing, livestock raising were all encouraged in suburban and urban settings. Fast forward to now and you find people fighting with local government for the right to be self reliant, have a garden, have a few chickens, or be off  grid. Currently it is not considered normal to want to be more self reliant, which is rather sad. In my experience the more an individual can do for themselves, the greater they can contribute back to society. For example a man who has an Orange Tree generally gives many away thus helping others supplement  their diets. It might not seem like a big deal giving extra fruit away yet for some people that maybe the only time they get that fruit.  Self reliance, self confidence, giving back to one’s community all tend to go together, yet currently I see dependence being encouraged, which results in a lack of confidence, beliefs one can not do or learn to do something, low self esteem, and a self centered attitude that is generally not conductive towards community building but is very conductive towards isolationist thinking.

At any rate I thought it would be nice to explore ways a household can do things for itself by looking not just back at World Wars, but history in general and also include new modern takes on becoming self reliant.


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